About "Daily Planet & Sindy"

Friday, December 8, 2023



The last day of work before I'm off for the holiday.

All tasks had to be done, not to mention the preparation for the graduation this coming sunday.

It all started this morning as I walked up the stairs to the office, someone confronted me with the same issues I had been explaining, but keep coming back. I hate talking back to older people especially, but this one was an exception. Sigh..

Kenapa ya ada orang-orang tua yang maunya dimengerti terus, maunya orang lain yang ngertiin mereka terus. Kayak "ya gua udah kayak gini modelnya". Oh c'mon.. sampe gua pernah bilang ke laki gw "enak ya jadi orang-orang tertentu, dimengerti orang. Orang kesel, tapi hanya bisa sampe kayak "yah gitu emang modelnya orang itu"" but I mean..

Lanjut lagi dengan menyelesaikan kerjaan-kerjaan lain. 

By the time I turned my PC off and was going to walk out of the office, I found out another task that I'm sure I have to check, laid on the table, without the person who received it handed it over to me of tell me that there's a paperwork I have to do from the other boss. I. WAS. MAD. I don't release my "wrath" to people unless I've told them sooooo manyyyy times for the same thing OVER. AND. OVER. AGAIN. and the person still, DO. THE. MISTAKE. OVER. AND. OVER. AGAIN.



And finding the real reason of why someone refuse something (that is actually under a person's jobdesc). I mean, when after all you have to let people know your real reason, just say it in the first place, especially if you have to work together toward something.

Finale in the afternoon, I gave an instruction to do, but since they couldn't make it, they made another plan without telling me, and the plan was not supposed to be an option. Again, I WAS MAD. Why don't you ask me first if there's a change in plan? dude. Yea, the same person from one of the mentioned above who has been making me mad the past mos for the "I forgot".


It's a MAD DAY.

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