About "Daily Planet & Sindy"

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


 Yes, memang benar yang dibilang orang-orang, semakin bertambah umur, semakin kecil circle pertemanan. Somehow you just loose contacts with some (or lots) of your previous close friends while gaining new ones who ended up not that close to you. There are also times where you will be close to once a close friends, lost, and found again. I've experienced that.

My in my case, my "lingkar satu" I would  tell, is only one or two friends that I really trust with "receh" to "big" events of my life. Thank God I have my lingkar 1, 2, and 3 somehow.

I'm happy I still have this one or two friends whom I can call and vice versa: who calls me and share their life stories updates, when there are things bothering our minds, who are willing to listen to this and that, and since we keep up with a lot of things, when a certain situation happens, we can somehow understand each other on why we chose that path, or why a certain situation had to happen, when we had to choose something good, or the best of the worst options without having to judge one another.

Maintaining a relationship, in this case: friendship, is somehow just like any other relationship, you need to work on it, from BOTH sides. No one is perfect, just like a husband and a wife, we just got to accept our best friend as who they are, their good and their flaws, without neglecting to give council/advice/reminder when needed, making time time for them as they make time for us.

That is also somehow a blessing that I count, one of  that many things I thank God for 😊.

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